Saturday, May 9, 2015

Cramer's rule

To solve Cramer's problems, you need to use matrices, and with the matrices, you find determinants. You would do all this when you have 2 linear equations. So if you had the equations 2x + 3y= 4 and 3x + y = 5. Then your first matrix would consist of 2, 3 at the top and 3,1 at the bottom. To find the determinent, you cross the top on the left to the bottom of the right and the bottom of the left to the top of the right and multiply. Then you take the product of the top left to bottom right equation and subtract the product of the other equation. You repeat this to find other determinents by making two new matrices and replacing the column for each with 4 and 5 since those are the answers to the equations. In the end you take the determinent of the 2nd and 3rd matrices and divide them by the orignal determinents. 

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