Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What I learned this week

Well, to be completely honest with you, most to almost all of the content I learned in our first full week of school was review for me. It was definitely good review though especially since my brain still thinks it's summer. This was also helpful because it went through the main points from last year that I needed to recall.  This week however I have learned that I shouldn't turn in projects late. (Like this one). And what limits are. 

All About Cory Masuda

My name is Cory, but my full name is Cory Micah Toshiyuki Masuda. I was born and raised in Pasadena for pretty much my whole life. 
I am a junior transfer from Pasadena high school which I honestly did not enjoy very much. Some people were nice, and fun to be around. But the teachers weren't very helpful and other students got annoying fast. 
I play basketball as an extra curricular activity as since I have played since I could run around. 
My family consists of my parents, my older sister Gabby, my younger sister Cherise, my little brother Garrett, and the littlest of them all, Kaiya. 
I enjoy watching movies, hanging out with friends, drinking a LOT of boba and coffee, and traveling with my family.